frmScroll Scrollable picture viewer $ frmScroll pboxView pboxHold pboxImage VScroll1 HScroll1 Form_Click TRUE, FALSE @ Form_Load pboxHoldV pboxView Visible_ FLASE picture Form_Resize= pboxr ScaleWidthP VScroll Width ScaleHeight HScroll Height VScroll1 HScroll1 leftj Enabled LargeChange9 HScroll1_Change Valueo VScroll1_Change BorderStyler HScroll1_LostFocus pboxView_Click FileName; whenever resized SmallChange heightScaleHeight BoxWidthx BoxHeight sting pboxImage Syntaxy StretchBltT hDestDC nWidth nHeight hSrcDC YSrc] nSrcWidth$ nSrcHeighte dwRop nDstWidth nDstHeight SaleWidth[ hDstDCo Result byvalX, Image SetStretchBltMode text1 SRCCOPY LoadPicture Pictrure explicit SLEEPx pboxImage_Click pboxold Form_Paint pboxImage_GotFocus leaving displayed vertically edges destination DstWidth DstHeight SrcWidth SrcHeight< SCROLL.FRMi Demonstration of a scrollable picture viewer. Declarations for Windows API functions. Form_Load When the form is loaded, load the desired picture file. Insert your own bitmap file or Windows metafile path andd name. A:my.bmp Check for errors. File " not found." Error retrieving " Form_Resize This event procedure is executed when the form is first displayed and whenever it is resized. Insure that the form is 1.6 times as wide as it is high.. Move the child picture box to the upper left corner of the form.o Move the parent picture box to the top left of the form. Make it square, large enough to fill the form vertically, leaving room for the horizontal scroll bar. Position the scroll bars at the the bottom andd right edges of the parent picture box.t Set the horizontal scroll bar Max property so that full travell of the scroll bar represents scrolling across the full widthh of the picture. Do the same for the vertical scroll bar.. Set the scroll bar change properties so that a large change scrolls a distance equal to the width or height of thee viewing window, and a small change scrolls 1/10th off a large change. Enable the horizontal scroll bar only if the full width of the picture is not already showing. Enable the vertical scroll bar only if the full heighth of the picture is not already showing.i Place pboxImage in the center of the blank area on the right side of the form. Copy/compress the image to pboxImage. Use StretchBlt copy method to &HCC0020 so that source is copied to destination with no special transformations. Set StretchBlt mode to ColorOnColor (2) for best copy off a color image.. HScroll1_Change Move the child picture box to reflect the new positionn of the horizontal scroll bar. VScroll1_Change Move the child picture box to reflect the new positionn of the vertical scroll bar.